Celebrity News: Ray Charles' Children Win Lawsuit Over Song Rights Termination

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The children of the late music celebrity took care of business and won a lawsuit of their father's songs.  Allegedly, the foundation accused the children of breaching their rights, but obviously, the judge ruled in their favor.  The children were represented by their attorney, Marc Toberoff, who brought an anti-SLAPP motion, urging the court to reject the claims, according to TheHollywoodReporter.com.

According to the TheHollywoodReporter.com, Ray Charles gathered most of his children (two were in jail) and told them that they each would be given an irrevocable trust for $500,000.  We think it remarkable how Ray Charles cared for the welfare of his children, because in a lot of cases, parents leave this earth for their kids to dispute over their assets.   Therefore, it is also remarkable how they all worked to get ther to fight their Dad's song rights termination and won.

Ray Charles' Children Win Lawsuit Over Song Rights Termination

This is the year when everything was supposed to change for the music industry.

In 1978, Congress amended copyright laws to allow authors or their heirs to terminate their copyright grants to publishers. All they needed to do was wait 35 years from the date of a...Read full article, here.


Source and Photo:TheHollywoodReporter.com

Photo: Express Newspapers/Getty Images


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Celebrity News: Ray Charles' Children Win Lawsuit Over Song Rights Termination

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