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You see, this is why we encourage you ladies to not wear your hair, according to your admiration of many female black celebrities. For this reason, many of them who wear weaves, wigs and any sort of hair extensions are losing their hair. We are not sure if Serena is suffering from Alopecia, but if you will just look at these photos, you will see that Naomi Campbell is not the only one losing her hair. Many of you dear black women always want to wear your hair like these famous female black celebrities, but this could be why you will continue wearing fake hair, because you never learned how to grow your own and instead wanted to look like a black female celebrity who maybe bald beneath her weave or wige. Could you be losing your hair similar to Serena Williams or Naomi Campbell? If not, we plead with you to take care of your natural hair and learn how to grow what God gave you, before you lose it.

You probably always imagined what it would be like to always wear your hair like black female celebrities who wear long weaves, but the danger in actually always wearing them, is you risk losing your hair just like them. Imagine having a lot of money, but no amount of money can ever grow back your natural hair, all because you pulled the scalp and killed the follicles, constantly whenever you wore any sort of hair extensions. Black women, fake hair was not made for you and it is time to learn how to wear your hair, naturally. Learn to love your kinky hair and no longer be ashamed of it. Some black women whom have lost their hair by wearing weaves, wigs and hair extensions maybe spiritually punished by God for trying to hide their natural hair, don't let this be you.
Make a choice, do you want to look like Serena Williams in the above photo or like this young lady in this following video? Be smart and love your natural hair. When you love and care for it without regret of it being naturally kinky, then you can grow it really long, possibly. Maybe you feel you are too old to learn how to wear your hair natural, because you have lost a lot of it, it is never too late to learn. If you repent to God for damaging your hair, He will forgive you and help you to care for it and may give your hair back to you, but you have to let go of wearing fake hair and love your own natural hair.
Source: http://soulsofblackwomen.com
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Source and Photo Courtesy: http://soulfulbeauty.com
Photo Courtesy: http://www.wild1063.com
Video source: http://youtu.be/KqhN5VZwvNM
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Celebrity Hair Nightmare: Naomi Campbell's losing hair disaster has company, Serena Williams may also suffer from alopecia
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Our blog deals with the spiritual nature of Hollywood Celebrities, from history to the present. The Hollywood celebrities we will be discussing will not just be the movie stars, but the entire entertainment industry. If you have ever wondered why many of them have had troubled lives, although they have been rich and famous celebrities we will inform you what and who could be behind their problematic issues. Many movie stars, comedians, pop and rock stars have thrown away their souls only to enjoy their wealth for a limited lifetime. They did not get rich and famous necessarily because of their talent, but they opposed Christ for instant gain. This is why the biblical scripture says in Mark 8:36 and Matthew 16:26: 'For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own life?'
Many of you may envy their fame, glamor and wealth, but you will discover it is not worth losing your soul and your imaginable yearning for their life, to be them is not worth it.
From the early years of Rock Hudson, then to the moments of Elvis, then to the moments of Anna Nicole Smith and then to the moments of Rihanna, as a celebrity there is a sense of pride and glorification, but the lack of real happiness has always been absent.
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